Perspective Brigaldara

Prospettiva Brigaldara - Brigaldara

2020 - Changes? Plenty!

2020 has been a year of great changes, in which we have all been forced to rethink our activities and adapt to new surroundings. Working in agriculture, we were lucky enough not only to continue with our daily activities even during lockdown, but above all to maintain that connection with nature that has always reminded us how the environment around us continued to follow its course, even when social life had stopped.

These months were very precious for us in Brigaldara because they gave us the time to focus on our communication plan, that we had drafted at the beginning of the year, helped by the great team of Well Com. We began from what had remained untouched since the very beginning of the history of Brigaldara, over forty years ago: our logo and our labels.

Many reasons led to this decision; on one hand Antonio and Lamberto entering the company and being more and more involved in corporate decisions with their father Stefano, on the other hand the need to highlight the name "Brigaldara", to give it greater importance on the logo and on the label. To do so, we started from our roots. Brigaldara is our company, but first of all is a toponym. The main objective of our restyling was to give primary importance to Brigaldara as a place, that we see as the wine chest that encloses the different souls of Valpolicella. For us it represents an overall vision enriched by different perspectives, experiences and generations.

The process, as you can imagine, was not easy at all, both for the scope of the choice we were making and also for the need to find the perfect balance between innovation and recognizability - after fourty years our customers are used to our old label on the shelves and we wanted to respect the values we have always promoted. After hundreds of tests, hypothesis, drafts, prints, discussions, graphic designs, we have finally reached this result and we really hope you like it!

Pubblicato il 02/11/2020

Perspective Brigaldara - Brigaldara